List of intervention episodes
List of intervention episodes

He still lives with his family and is still unemployed. Mark completed treatment in 2005, had his morphine pump removed and no longer uses opiates to control his pain. Five months later, he and his girlfriend had broken up and he had lost his dog again. He transferred to another program after 20 days and spent a total of 60 days in treatment, but immediately purchased and drank beer upon leaving, saying that he never wanted to get sober. She has been sober since July 2006.Įpilogue: Kelly walked out of the intervention, but agreed to go to treatment on the condition that he could pick up his dog first. She no longer goes to therapy.Ĭristine relapsed in February 2006 after a miscarriage but stopped when she learned she was pregnant again. She and Harley divorced in 2007 Tina says she no longer uses pain medication.Įpilogue: Kelly gained 15 pounds since the intervention. Renee continues to go to treatment four times a week.Įpilogue: Tina left treatment after 37 days. He says he has learned to communicate better with his family. He no longer uses drugs, but still drinks.Įpilogue: Peter completed 40 days of treatment and returned home. Matt had several relapses, then joined the United States Navy. He suffered a brief relapse, but regained sobriety in September 2005 and maintained it until September 2007, when he had another relapse he has since stayed sober. After completing his program, he moved to Utah and began traveling and playing music. She has been sober since her intervention.Įpilogue: Travis immediately walked out of the intervention, but later decided to accept the offer of treatment. She was granted partial custody of her daughter and got a job as a correctional officer. He was sober.Įpilogue: Sara completed four months of treatment and returned to her family. Brian died on November 29, 2016, due to a medical error in treating an infection.

list of intervention episodes

In September 2007, he moved into a sober-living facility in Florida.

list of intervention episodes

He relapsed after the intervention and returned to treatment several times. She says she continues to gamble, but hardly does it anymore.īrian was asked to leave rehab after 40 days for breaking the rules. Tamela completed six months of treatment and has not self harmed since October 2004.Įpilogue: Alissa refused to go to treatment. She says she is sober, but her sister says she is not. On August 30, 2018, Vanessa was shot and killed by police who responded to a wellness check in her home and she pointed a BB gun at them.Įpilogue: Jerrie left treatment after three months and moved in with her boyfriend. Vanessa spent a month in treatment and says that her intervention was not successful.

list of intervention episodes

However, Gabe's severe, pervasive narcissistic personality disorder likely renders his addiction untreatable. As of the show airdate, he stated his parents gave him only limited support, and that he has remained gambling free. Instead he started intensive psychiatric treatment, worked at the new job, and stopped gambling. Gabe wanted to go back but could not commit as he had got a good job offer at the same time and being broke, needed to make money. He told Jeff van Vonderen how the initial program had changed him but that he was still very depressed, so Jeff offered him a second visit to the treatment center, this time to focus on his depression.

list of intervention episodes

Compulsive gambling / compulsive shoppingĮpilogue: Gabe joined Sara, Matt and Alyson in the Follow Up Special (Episode 14), which aired August 21, 2005.

List of intervention episodes